Financial Education

The responsibility for insuring your long-term financial welfare has shifted during the past few decades. Many years ago, people could primarily rely on a combination of employer-sponsored pension plans and Social Security to fund their long-term financial needs. Now as these financial safety nets are increasingly not enough to fund a retirement, Americans increasingly need to assume greater responsibility for their financial well-being. While most people are aware that saving, investing, and planning for their future are essential to their quality of life and their financial confidence, many do not know what to do about it.

Itineris Financial Advisors wants to help. Our workshops have a primary emphasis on providing educational information in a manner which is clear and avoid financial jargon. We want to empower financial decision making for individuals through different stages of life.

Past workshops sessions include:

  • How To Keep Your Financial Boat Afloat During a Career Transition
  • Financial Planning For Today’s Working Retirement
  • Focus on Retirement

We have delivered financial education workshops to a variety of organizations in recent months.